Our Story

The history of Canim Lake Resort is as rich as the land it resides on.

Canim Lake Resort was established in 1930, by David Newall. Originally it was a hunting and fishing camp, created as a home base to access some of the best food resources in the province. The Newall version of Canim Lake Resort was not the comforting vision that stands today.

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Newell’s lodge was lost to a fire, but the memories live on in photographs. While uncovering these historical documents, rumours surfaced that this was a vacationing spot for the late President Hoover, which is why an area ( Hoover Bay) has been named after him.

The office and main house is a architectural beauty with rustic charm, and was added on by a woodworking teacher who built it himself.

The resort was purchased by husband and wife team in 1990, where it began the journey to become what you recognize today.

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The Lodge, the heart of the resort, was build in 1993.